Powerful Warriors on Your Side

Arizona Contract Issues Attorney

The Myth Of The Iron-Clad Contract

The idea that a contract can perfectly protect a person under any circumstance is attractive, but misleading. Contracts are structured to offer both sides the maximum protection, but there is always some point that can be argued. If you are facing problems with one of your contracts, you deserve an Arizona contract issues attorney who can deliver a strong resolution for you.

Contract law litigation

At Weinberger Law, we offer the businesses of Arizona comprehensive, innovative service in their contract law litigation needs. Whether it is defending the basis of the contract or objecting to the unfair terms of one, we have the reputation to make a difference for you. Schedule a case review with our highly experienced Arizona contract issues lawyer by calling (480) 536-9991.

Trial Experience You Can Count On

As respected Arizona business attorneys, we can help define a strategy that will address your contract disputes and make strides towards the outcome you need. If you need help with:


  • Negotiating or renegotiating terms of a contract
  • Enforcing or interpreting the terms of a contract
  • Acting against breaches of contract
  • Defending yourself against frivolous breach lawsuits

We can work with you to get results. We take a pride in our ability to provide competent, reliable contract drafting and litigation services to our clients when they need it most.

Advantages of a Contract

One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is entering into an agreement with a customer, vendors or other companies without having a legal contract. Not having a contract in place that clearly states the parties’ rights and obligations can make cases very difficult or impossible to settle. If a contract is not available, the only way to solve a case is to have a judge or jury hold a trial. During the trial witnesses will be called to testify and evidence will be presented.


It’s not always necessary to have a legal contract in order to make an agreement enforceable, there are exceptions like in a real estate agreement, but having one will help you hold a party accountable in case of a breach of contract. A contract provides certainty between the parties, they each know what they are entitled to and what their responsibilities are. Having a contract drafted by an attorney with extensive contract law experience makes a lawsuit or any legal dispute much more manageable and quicker to resolve.

A Unique Perspective On Your Situation

In addition, our decades of experience in court allows us to view your issues from a creative position. Our Arizona contract issues lawyer can review your contracts for obvious weaknesses or draft you the strongest possible contracts under the law.

We know how to attack a contract, and that means we know how to build one that will stand up under scrutiny. It may not stop it from going to court, but it can minimize the opportunity for action saving your time and money in the long run.

The Right Agreement For The Right Price

Under the leadership of attorney Brian Weinberger, we make every effort to build a long-term relationship with our clients by offering reasonable, personalized fee structures for our work. We are always there for the business needs of our clients and will work hard to get your company on the right track.

Contact an Arizona contract issue attorney today by calling our Scottsdale, Arizona office at (480) 536-9991 or by using our online contact form. We look forward to helping you build your business.

Contact Weinberger Law

We are business lawyers, and we know that when lies threaten your financial well-being, the last thing you want to worry about are legal fees. We offer creative, personally tailored structures so we can get to work for you and get your business back on track.

Contact our Arizona business attorneys online or by calling our Scottsdale office today at (480) 536-9991.

Arizona Business Lawyer

The breadth of practice areas makes us a great fit to handle multiple legal needs.

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